Rabu, 25 Mei 2011


Whether for business, social and personal, learning at least one foreign language is a must for anyone who wants to keep your head in the society of today. Today topic focuses on five important reasons why you should learn a foreign language.

1. occupational requirement

This is probably the main reason for wanting to learn a foreign language. Many jobs require knowledge of at least one or two foreign languages, depending on the stage. Most jobs ask for an international language like English, French, Spanish or German or Chinese language as a specific business knows, Japanese, Russian, etc.

2. Personal satisfaction

Learning a language is one of the highest spiritual goals that could have on a personal level. It’s the same with learning a foreign language: learning is not easy and there are many little questions and problems on the road. If the problem in perspective, however, wait and lose interest, if not, the chances of solving it is extremely high and the spiritual satisfaction you get on the end is incomparably different.

3. Online Bonus

Yes, knowledge of a foreign language (or more) is definitely a social benefit. There is definitely a steep hill between someone who knows no foreign language as a kind made by a polyglot. Another case in which knowledge of a foreign language is literally a social blessing to meet a foreigner, can speak the language. If the alien is made in the context of a business meeting, this impression has grown into a successful business relationship will bring both professional and social satisfaction.

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